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Emirates was voted best airline for vegan meals by vegan travellers and in 2019 and look to be continuing their forward-thinking trend into 2020

The airline was voted the best airline for vegan meals in 2019 based on the responses of 154 vegan world travellers from around the globe who, as a whole, selected 29 different international airlines that they feel served the best vegan airplane meals they’ve ever had.

According to vegan world travellers, Emirates offers the best vegan meals on aircrafts.

and now in 2020 they look to be holding onto the title with the announcement of the additional plant-based options that will be readily available onboard for the month of "Veganuary". Up to now you've been able to pre-order a variety of plant-based meals for service on board, but this is the first time where options will be available on the standard menu in their first and business classes (on certain flights) and in their economy class on flights to Addis Ababa.

In 2019, Emirates 345,000 plant-based meals onboard their aircraft and they have over 170 recipes available in their kitchen for guests. Some of the new dishes they will be serving are below:

PHOTO: Ancho three bean chilli – a spiced vegan stew of peppers and beans served with corn cakes, chimichurri and tofu aioli
Photo courtesy of Emirates Airlines

PHOTO: Shitake Ravioli served with coriander pesto and edamame
photo courtesy of Emirates Airlines

PHOTO: Shitake fried rice served with sautéed asparagus and oyster mushrooms and Marmite sauce
photo courtesy of Emirates Airlines

PHOTO: Misir Wat – an Ethiopian style spicy red lentil stew, served with sauteed spinach and spiced potatoes and carrots
photo courtesy of Emirates Airlines

Each of these dishes looks SO delicious! Which is your favourite?

Have you flown Emirates before?

Have you tried one of their vegan meals? We'd love to hear from you. Send us an email at 

Each of us has likely experienced a bad meal on board an aircraft. Vegan or not, sometimes the stars align and you end up on an unintended instant fast. Why is it so hard for airlines to get it right when it comes to whole food plant-based meals and flying? This is a deep and worrisome question for many a vegan traveller.

Paul Ibirogba has published a great piece on why Emirates earned top spot in these vegan traveller's minds as well as all the other airlines that rated well for vegan travel. Check the link below.

What makes for a good vegan meal onboard an aircraft?

Great question! We found this recent article from with the complete breakdown.


Article by Paul Ibirogba

Updated: February 17, 2020